Udder Comfort™ includes a natural blend of essential oils that is used on udders after calving, for quality udders that make quality milk. The Blue Sprayable provides the natural benefits of the lotion with the added convenience, efficiency and versatility of a spray. The blue remains blue from one milking to the next, taking the guesswork out of follow-up applications.
FOB charges apply
For external application to the udder only, after milking, as an essential component of udder management. Always wash and dry teats thoroughly before milking.
How to Use:
Step 1 - Hold sprayer 4 to 6 inches away from quarter.
Step 2 - Move the sprayer downward while spraying.
Step 3 - Spray product in between leg and quarter. Repeat until quarter is covered. If product dripping off udder, too much has been sprayed.