Shut Out Teat Sealant : 24ct



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ShutOut Teat Sealant from Merck Animal Health provides extra protection of new inframammary infections during the dry cow period by supplementing the cow’s natural keratin plug. ach syringe of ShutOut consists of 4 g of a sterile, non-antibiotic, inframammary paste containing 2.6 g of bismuth subnitrate. 24ct. 


  • Sterile
  • Antibiotic-free
  • Ready-to-use syringe

For use on cattle. After last milking at dry-off, clean and disinfect teats with alcohol wipes provided and infuse entire contents of one syringe into each quarter. Do not massage teat following infusion. If an antibiotic is infused into teat, teat should be re-wiped with alcohol wipes prior to infusion with ShutOut. 

Do not remove by action of the milking machine. To reduce potential for ShutOut accumulation in milking machines, aggressively hand-strip ShutOut out of every quarter, 10-12 strips per quarter, before milking fresh cows. Bucket-milk fresh cows for a minimum of three milkings, if possible. 

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