Dy Fly Aerosol controls flies, mosquitoes, gnats, moths, ants, hornets, wasps, spiders and roaches. Use on: dairies, animal quarters, homes, milk rooms and poultry houses and food processing. Animal uses: cattle, horses and swine. See 'More Details' for restricted states. Aerosols must ship UPS Ground.
Not for sale in:
Kills and repels House Flies, Horn Flies, Stable Flies, Horse Flies, Face Flies, Deer Flies, Gnats, Mosquitoes, Small Flying Moths (millers), Roaches, Waterbugs, Sowbugs, Spiders, Centipedes, Ants, Crickets, Wasps and Hornets.
For use in Bottling Plants, Breweries, Homes, Bakeries, Food Plants, Stores, Restaurants, Schools, Hotels, Motels, Office Buildings, Hospitals, Warehouses, Food Handling Plants, Dairies, Milk Houses, Cattle, Horse, Poultry, and Swine Quarters. For use on cattle, horses and swine.
Active Ingredients:
Pyrethrins |
0.5% |
*Piperonyl Butoxide, Technical |
5.0% |
**OTHER Ingredients |
94.5% |
100.0% |
Directions for Use:
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with the label.
Hold container upright, nozzle away from you and press actuator button spraying as directed.
TO TREAT ANIMALS: To protect cattle from attacks of stable flies, horse flies, deer flies, house flies, horn flies, mosquitoes and gnats spray about 3 seconds on each side being careful to spray back, withers and forelegs thoroughly. To protect from faceflies, spray the face and head, but do not spray into the eyes. Repeat treatment as necessary when flies are troublesome.
IN ANIMAL QUARTERS & MILK ROOMS: For rapid control of house flies, mosquitoes, gnats, wasps, and flying moths close windows and doors and spray at the rate of one second per 1000 cubic feet of space. For best results keep area closed for 10 minutes after spraying. Do not remain in treated area and ventilate after treatment is completed.
HOME AND FOOD PROCESSING AREA USE: For flies, mosquitoes, small flying moths (millers), and gnats: Close all doors and windows. Point nozzle upward, direct the spray mist to all pads of the room, especially windows and other light sources which attract these insects. Fill the room with mist, then leave the treated areas. Keep the room closed for at least 15 minutes. Ventilate the room when treatment is completed. Roaches, Waterbugs, Sowbugs, Spiders and Centipedes: spray thoroughly into hiding places such as cracks, crevices, moist areas, openings around pipes and sinks, under refrigerators, baseboards and storage areas. Spray directly on insects where possible. Repeat as necessary. ANTS: Spray trails, nests and points of entry. Spray on ants where possible. Repeat no more than once per day.
FOR USE IN STORAGE SITES: This product can be used in warehouse bins and trucks, cargo ships, mills, bin hoppers, elevators, and conveying equipment as a clean up prior to using them for storage. For control of Almond, Indian Meal, Angoumois, and Tobacco Moths, Rice Weevil, Grain Mites, Confused Flour Beetle, Sawtoothed Grain Beetle, and Roaches. Close room or warehouse and shut off ventilation equipment. For processed product areas of food manufacturing facilities, cover or remove any exposed food/feed. Cover any equipment that will be in direct contact with food/feed. Direct aerosol mist to all parts of the room, especially into dark enclosures and around stored product containers where adult moths may be resting. Use a minimum treatment of 6 to 8 seconds per 1000 cubic feet of space. Keep area closed for 30 minutes after each treatment. In mills and elevators, all grain infested accumulations should be removed from the bin hoppers. All storage areas and conveying equipment should be thoroughly cleaned by sweeping out the waste grain, cobwebs and other debris from the walls and rafters as well as on the floor and door frames with special attention to material lodged in the cracks and crevices. All of the debris should be removed and burned to kill eggs and insects that might be present. Before processing begins, wash down all equipment, benches, shelving, etc. where exposed food feed will be handled with an effective cleaning compound followed by a potable water rinse. Repeat treatment weekly or as infestation occurs.
FOR USE ON STORED PRODUCTS: This product can be used on rice, grain nuts, dried fruit, beans, almond nutmeat and shells, pistachio, dried prunes, dried apricots, raisins, figs, wheat, oats, corn, barley, rye, tobacco and peanuts held in storage for control of the accessible stages of Almond Moths, Angoumois Grain Moths, Cadelle Beetles, Cigarette Beetle, Confused Flour Beetles, Flat Grain Beetles, Granary Weevils, Indian Meal Moths, Red Flour Beetles, Rice Weevils, Rusty Grain Beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Square Necked Grain Beetles, and Tobacco Moths. Treatment should be made while building is unoccupied. Building should be closed for at lest 30 minutes after treatment with all ventilation and UV light sources kept at a minimum during fogging. Dy-Fly does not penetrate exposed or packaged product. Infested products should be treated by other methods approved for this purpose. Use a minimum treatment of 6 to 8 seconds per 1000 cubic feet of space. Direct aerosol mist to all parts of the room, especially into dark enclosures and around stored product container where adult moths may be resting. Repeat treatment weekly or as infestation occurs.
BEEF CATTLE OPERATIONS: In barns, close all windows and doors. Apply at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. For animal use, thoroughly spray entire animal as it is being released to pasture. Do not spray directly towards animal's face or eyes. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
POULTRY OPERATIONS: For poultry houses, close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. Treat daily or as necessary.
HOG OPERATIONS: In hog houses, close all windows and doors. Apply at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. For animal application direct spray over backs and spray for 1 to 2 seconds per hog. Do not spray directly towards animal's face or eyes. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
HORSE BARNS AND STABLES: In horse and pony barns close all windows and doors. Spray at the rate of 1 to 2 seconds per 1000 cubic feet. Keep area closed for 15 minutes following application. If area cannot be closed, double the dosage. In animal application, lightly mist over backs of horses and ponies from a distance of at least 2 feet. Do not spray directly toward horses face or eyes. Repeat application daily or as necessary.
Read complete label and cautions on product insert before use!