Clotisol from Creative Science is a blood-clotting suspension used as an aid to stop bleeding in animals caused by minor cuts and wounds. It can be used for nail trimming, tail docking and ear cropping. For external use only. Do not use in deep wounds or on burns. Ingredients: Ferric sulfate, aluminum sulfate, collagen protein and chloroxylenol in suspension.
¨ Effective Hemostat – Stops Most Minor Bleeding Immediately
¨ Protectant – Acts as “First Aid” Application While Covers and Protects Lesions
¨ Proven – Original Formula Used with Success for Years – Attractive Shelf Container
¨ Multiple Uses – Nail Trims, Beak Trims, Ear Crops, Minor Cuts & Wounds, Tail
Docks, Dogs & Cats, Birds and Exotics
¨ Versatile – Used by Veterinarians, Groomers, Aviaries, Breeders, Pet Owners
Directions: Shake well before using. To stop
bleeding, apply a liberal amount directly to wound.
If bleeding does not stop, consult a veterinarian.
Ingredients: Ferric Sulfate – coagulant properties
Aluminum Sulfate – aids in hemostasis
Collagen Protein – aids in wound closure
Chlorxyenol – antimicrobial properties