A disinfectant that is a high activity 0.5 oz/gal (4 mL/L) phenolic disinfectant for use in poultry hatcheries, poultry, swine and livestock farm premises, veterinary clinics and animal care facilities. It is also used for sanitizing hatchery eggs. It cleans and disinfects, but contains no soap to streak or dull surfaces. Only sold as a case of 4 gallons.
It is EPA-registered for use through thermal foggers to sanitize poultry, swine, other livestock buildings and hatcheries.
Kills gram negative and gram positive bacteria, molds and viruses.
• EPA-registered to sanitize vacant animal rooms and buildings by thermal fogging.
• Leaves a residual bacteriostatic film on treated surfaces.
• Economical use dilutions
• Use on most surfaces, not harmed by water.
• Useful for manual and foam cleaning.
• Effective in 5% blood serum and 400 ppm hard water (as CaCO3).
• Fogging hatchers, setters and hatchery rooms.
Fog Sanitizing Poultry and Farm Animal Premises:
Place 1 gal of BioSentry BioPhene™ Disinfectant in the solution tank of the thermal fogger with 2 gal of water (3.79 L of BioSentry BioPhene™ Disinfectant ith 7.6 L of water). Apply 1 gal BioSentry BioPhene™ Disinfectant solution per 6,000–8,000 ft 2 of floor space (3.79 L per 550–750 m2). When fogging setters, hatchers and hatchery rooms use 0.5 oz/gal (4 mL/L) BioSentry BioPhene™ Disinfectant.