Activated Charcoal Powder is used as a first aid poision absorbent. For emergency use to absorb swallowed poisions. Read complete label before use.
Directions for 8 oz bottle
When Activated Charcoal is indicated, the usual dose is as follows:
0-10 years of age: 1 to 3 heaping tablespoonfulls (10 -25 g) mixed in a minimum of 8 ounces of
10 - 12 yrs of age: 3 - 6 tablespoonfulls (25 - 50 g) mixed in a minimum of 8 ounces of liquid.
Greater than 12 years of age: 3 to 12 tablespoonfulls (25 - 100g) mixed with a minimum of 8 ounces
of liquid or as directed by a health professional. mix well and have poison victim drink all of this
mixture. Repeat dose immediately, if possible. If the previous attempts to contact poison control
center, emergency medical center or health professional were unsuccessful, continue trying. If
possible save the container of poison.
Other Information
Activated Charcoal has a very gritty texture and will coat the mouth, lips and tonge.
Keep tightly closed in a cool dry place.