Healthy Paw Life Lime Sulfur Dip : 16oz



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Healthy Paw Life Sulfur Dip can be used to relieve itchiness due to  mange, ringworm or non-specific dermatoses.  Healthy Paw Lime Sulfur Dip is a sulfurated lime solution which not only kills mites and other parasites it also works against fungi and bacteria.  Safe for use on dogs, cats, puppies, kittens and horses.  This formulation has calcium and sulfur, both earthy ingredients that won’t cause any harm to beloved pets.  This dip is easy to use.  Dilute this flea dip in water then use the mixture to rinse or sponge on your pet.  You may also dip your pet in it.  It may stain so make sure to wear rubber gloves.   You only use 4oz of lime sulfur dip per gallon of water.  Mix well.

Warning: Must be diluted before use. Keep out of reach of children.  May stain skin, light colored animals, clothing and porous surfaces.  Will change the color of jewelry .  Use in well ventilated area.   Wear safety glasses.

Sulfureted Lime Solution 97.8%