An ideal choice as the foundation for biosecurity rodent control programs. Formulated with difethialone, the newest single feed anticoagulant. Mice, roof rats and Norway rats are readily attracted to Hombre mini blocks. Blocks are designed with center hole for securing to prevent rodents from translocating rodenticide into sensitive areas. Not for sale to CA.
FOB charges Apply
They provide more of what tastes good (whole food grade grains and flavorings) and less of what tastes bad (wax and dye).
Keys to rodenticide performance:
Place Hombre mini blocks on vertical or horizontal rods in Aegis bait stations or other bait stations.
In areas where non-targets (people and/or animals) are not a concern, the center holes in Hombre mini blocks allow securing with a nail or on wires.
Place Hombre mini blocks between rodents nest and/or food and water supply.
Start rodenticide rotation programs (resistant management) with Hombre mini blocks
GUARANTEE: Difethialone......................0.0025%
If in eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, seek medical attention. If on skin, wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water. If swallowed, give patient one or two glasses of water and induce vomiting by touching back of throat with a finger or blunt object; repeat until vomitus is clear. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Seek medical attention or contact Poison Control Centre immediately. Take container, label or product name and PCP Act Registration Number with you when seeking medical attention.
Vitamin K 1 in the form of intravenous, intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, or by oral ingestion are suggested remedial treatments for anticoagulant poisoning. The severity of the case measured by establishing prolonged prothrombin times (P.T.) will determine appropriate therapy. Monitoring P.T. will indicate the necessity of repeated treatments.
For the control of Norway rats, Roof rats and House mice inside and in areas adjacent to homes, industrial, commercial, agricultural and public buildings. Selection of Treatment Areas: Before placing bait, eliminate as much of the naturally occurring food as possible. Place bait in locations where rats and mice travel and will most likely find and consume the bait. Place bait only inside the building and in areas adjacent to buildings. Placement along walls, in corners, by gnawed openings, in and around burrows, and in concealed locations where rats and mice feed is desirable. For roof rats, bait placement should also be made in areas other than at ground/floor level. Maintain a steady supply of fresh bait. Remove any spoiled or contaminated bait promptly. Treated baits should be placed in locations not accessible to children, pets, wildlife or domestic animals; or in tamperresistant bait stations. Tamper-resistant bait stations must have the following characteristics: be constructed of highstrength material and resistant to destruction by children and animals; have an entrance which prevents children and nontarget animals from reaching bait; have an internal structure which prevents bait from being shaken loose; have an access panel which fastens securely and locks; capable of being securely fastened to a surface; be clearly labeled:
DANGER POISON. Note: This product is not to be used in orchards, fields or rights-of-way. Use in conjunction with rat-proofing methods if rodent problems persist. Food Processing, Food Manufacturing, Food Storage and Food Service Areas: For areas not directly related to food processing: Use only in non-food or non-feed areas where feed, food, packaging and handling equipment are never opened or exposed. For areas where feed or food is processed, sealed orstored: In meat and food processing plants (processing areas), use only when plant is not in operation. Remove all food, packaging material and utensils before placing bait in baiting stations. Remove all baits and dead rodents and wash treated areas before re-use of the food handling establishment (processing areas include storage and service).
RATS: Place 6 to 23 blocks of bait per placement at intervals of 5 to 10 meters. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 10 days, or until signs of rat activity cease. MICE: Place 2 blocks of bait per placement at intervals of 2 to 4 meters. Larger amounts (up to 4 blocks) may be necessary at points of very high mouse activity. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for 15 days, or until signs of mouse activity cease. Note: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Collect and dispose of all dead animals and unconsumed bait properly. To prevent reinfestation, eliminate rodent food, water and harbourage as much as possible. If reinfestation occurs, repeat treatment. Where a continuous source of infestation is present, establish permanent bait stations and replenish bait as needed.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, PETS, DOMESTIC ANIMALS AND WILDLIFE. Keep away from feed or food. May be harmful or fatal if swallowed or absorbed through the skin because this material may reduce the clotting ability of blood and cause bleeding. Use gloves when handling product. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wash arms, hands, and face with soap and water after handling and before eating or smoking. Do not place bait in areas where there is a possibility of contaminating food or surfaces that come in direct contact with food. This product is toxic to fish and wildlife. Keep out of lakes, streams or ponds. This product is to be used by licenced pest control operators only.
Store product not in use in original, tightly sealed container in a cool, dry, secure location inaccessible to children, pets, domestic animals or wildlife. Do not reuse empty container. Dispose of unused or spoiled bait in accordance with local requirements. Follow provincial instructions for any required cleaning of the container prior to its disposal. Make the empty container unsuitable for further use. Dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements. For information on the disposal of unused, unwanted product and the cleanup of spills, contact the Provincial Regulatory Agency or the manufacturer.
To reduce exposure of non-target birds and other wildlife to poisoned carcasses, dead rodent should be securely wrapped and placed in closed containers and disposed of at Provincial sites, where available, or at municipal landfill sites. Otherwise, securely wrap carcasses and bury to a depth that will make them inaccessible to scavengers.
This control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on this label. It is an offense under the Pest Control Products Act to use a control product under unsafe conditions.