Circumvent PCV G2 from Merck Animal
Health is for an aid in the prevention of viremia, aid in the reduction of
virus shedding and an aid in the reduction of lymphoid infection caused by
porcine circovirus Type 2. Convenient dosing options (one x 2 mL or two x 1 mL)
for 1-dose and 2-dose programs (see complete label instructions). The only PCV2
vaccine approved for use in pigs as early as 3 days of age (2-dose option).
Five-month PCV2 DOI.
Option 1 - single 2 ml dose IM for pigs 3 weeks
of age or older.
Option 2 - 1 ml IM for pigs as early as 3 days of age, repeat in 3 weeks.
21 day slaughter withdrawal.