Corathon insecticide tags by Bayer are made with new FyberTek, the latest fiber technology that holds more active ingredient in a single tag than our prior technology allowed. Corathon contains 50% organophosphate insecticide, 25% more active ingredient than the Co-Ral Plus® Insecticide Cattle Ear Tag. Slate color. Allflex tagger, 14gm wt. Not for sale in CA.
- Contains two organophosphates: coumaphos and diazinon
- Packaged 20 tags per box
- Registered for use on beef and non-lactating dairy cattle
- For optimum control, attach two tags per mature animal; attach one tag per calf
- Use the Allflex® Universal Total Tagger with red pins and black clips
- Remove tags at the end of fly season or prior to slaughter
- Rotate with clay-colored CyGuard tags, also made with FyberTek
Proven effective for up to five months against:
- Horn flies (including pyrethroid-, chlorinated hydrocarbon- and avermectin-resistant horn flies)
- Face flies, the mechanical vector of Moraxella bovis (the bacteria that causes pinkeye in cattle)
- Gulf Coast ticks
- Spinose ear ticks
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